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Eggs And Ashes PPT - Lent 1 Yr A
Eggs And Ashes PPT - Lent 1 Yr A
by R Burgess/C Polhill/ A Lindley (Wild Goose Publ)
Taken from the Wild Goose Book, Eggs and Ashes, this powerpoint provides accompanying images for the liturgy. Creator God Walking in the garden BREATHE LIFE INTO US Tempted God Praying in the desert BREATHE LIFE INTO US Holy God Travelling towards the city BREATHE LIFE INTO US
How God Became King - 4b Prequel and Sequel
How God Became King - 4b Prequel and Sequel
by SPCK - N T Wright
Prequel and Sequel Getting to the Heart of the Gospels In the year 1900, a book was published that changed the imagination of America. Its creator, L.Frank Baum, had stumbled into writing fantasy fiction some years before, mostly to while away time spent on the road as a travelli
How God Became King - 5b The Biblical Story of God
How God Became King - 5b The Biblical Story of God
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Biblical Story of God The story the Bible tells about Israel’s God is quite different from the stories many, including many Christians, have told. In the biblical story, the creator God calls Abraham, who lived in present-day Iraq, and bids him go wandering off as a nomad in
How God Became King - 8c Power and Empire Within First-Century Judaism
How God Became King - 8c Power and Empire Within First-Century Judaism
by SPCK - N T Wright
Power and Empire Within First-Century Judaism As we saw earlier, the Judaism of the postexilic period had quite a well-developed narrative of God and empire. Even though many Jews longed for God to become king in the full, complete way he’d promised, they still believed that in t
How God Became King - 10g Kingdom, Cross, Resurrection and Ascension
How God Became King - 10g Kingdom, Cross, Resurrection and Ascension
by SPCK - N T Wright
Kingdom, Cross, Resurrection and Ascension A word, in conclusion, about the immediate sequel. I have written extensively about the resurrection elsewhere (The Resurrection of the Son of God, Surprised by Hope) and a fair amount about the Ascension too (in addition to the above, s
Mere Apologetics - 1c Apologetics and Evangelism
Mere Apologetics - 1c Apologetics and Evangelism
by SPCK - Alister McGrath
Apologetics and Evangelism From what has just been said, it can be seen that Christian apologetics represents a serious and sustained engagement with the “ultimate questions” raised by a culture, people group, or individual, aiming to show how the Christian faith is able to provi
Mere Apologetics - 5d Making Sense of Things: A Case Study
Mere Apologetics - 5d Making Sense of Things: A Case Study
by SPCK - Alister McGrath
Making Sense of Things: A Case Study To explore this further, we shall consider how effective the Christian way of seeing things is at making sense of what we observe. How good is the fit between theory and observation? So how can we make sense of the shape of history and the dis
Mere Apologetics - 8d Working the Angles: Applying the Case Studies
Mere Apologetics - 8d Working the Angles: Applying the Case Studies
by SPCK - Alister McGrath
Working the Angles: Applying the Case Studies In the previous two sections of this chapter we have explored some themes relating to two classic questions of Christian apologetics and identified some components of answers to two important anxieties about faith. But apologetics is
The Women's Bible Commentary - Construction of the Sanctuary and Priesthood